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I help experts grow their audience and close more sales using the Dopamine Drip Method.

My 3-sentence newsletter gives you simple, proven ways to use writing, content, quizzes and relatable offers to grow your audience and profits.


That’s why 16,000+ creative entrepreneurs follow my content.

The Dopamine Drip Newsletter

Client Testimonials:


Prashha Dutra

Prashha launched her first quiz funnel and within 30 days... got 500 new email subscribers AND landed a new $5k client!

Prashhas's story is an amazing testimonial of the power of quiz funnels as a top of funnel, trust-building lead magnet.

Adriana Tica

Adriana, a 15-year marketing veteran outlines the reasons she uses the "Market Clarity Method" validation process for her existing business ideas and why she believes ALL new and pivoting solopreneurs must use this framework to avoid picking an unprofitable, "dud" market..


Lane Sebring

Watch Lane outline two specific elements (The DDS and Quiz Funnels) of the training that are helping him continue to grow and scale his already 6-figure online business.

Lane is a great example of really digging into the material, trusting the process and reaping massive results in his business.

Xenia Smith

Xenia participated in our Market Clarity Intensive and 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and has been able to more accurately identify her ideal customer profile using the 1:1:1:1 model.

  • 1: Validated Market
  • 1: Lead Magnet
  • 1: Lead Converter
  • 1: Product 

Currently she's using what she's learned to build an already profitable cohort based course that will become her flagship digital course.


Lee Densmer

Lee used the material in the Market Clarity Method to help her validate her buyers needs, adjust and price her offers.

She was able to use the framework to really home in on the ideal sweet spot in her market and avoid the unprofitable sub-niches.

As a result she's turned her 4-month old business into a full-time income! 

Jared Williams

Jared characterizes the Market Clarity Method as the 'filtration system' that saved him time and money in selecting, vetting and producing products for his niche market in the AI space.

He also participated in our 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and is well on his way to building his 6-figure online business.


Anatoly Zaslaver

Anatoly participated in our Market Clarity Intensive and 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and has used the material to identify a profitable market serving the attorney space with a newsletter product. 

Here he talks about the importance of market validation and how that's made identifying the most profitable products and activities he needs to employ.

Brooks Conkle

Brooks used our 6-week Solopreneur Masterclass to take a look at his already successful business.

He took away LOTS of nuggets around how we structured the program and the user-friendliness of all the resources that he will use to develop and deploy his own future programs.

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Jess Probasco

Jess is in the process of redesigning and relaunching his financial coaching business as an online business platform. Listen to his use of the "Market Clarity Method" and the "1:1:1:1 Solopreneur Value Ladder" strategy. One key takeaway for Jess has been: "Your message should come from your market, not from your mind."

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Austin Brown

Austin literally had no idea where to begin when he enrolled in our START. program. He's since been able to validate his niche, build his website, start making content and is now working through the monetization process.

He also enrolled in our 6-week Solopreneur Masterclass and is implementing Deep Dive Surveys and Quiz funnels to increase traffic and conversions to his offer.

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Dr. Tracy McAlvanah

Tracy is in the process of relaunching her chiropractic/functional medicine practice while working a full-time job for a nutritional supplements company. This program helped her to go back and really home in on her ideal market using the "Market Clarity Method".

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Ryan McFadden

Ryan is in the process of exploring his profitable coaching market and pivoting from financial coaching into more personal development and leadership coaching. Overall, the most helpful parts of the program for Ryan have been the "Market Clarity Method", as well as the material on email marketing, pricing, Deep Dive Surveys and Quiz Funnels.

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Greg Lees

Greg enrolled in the Market Clarity Method to help him home in on a solidly profitable market. One thing to note is that this process helped him steer clear of an unprofitable market and instead set his sights on a market that is proving to be much more lucrative for him.

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Matt Thomas

Matt used the Market Clarity Method to help him identify and really dig into his market.

He used the material to identify his entrepreneurial type and use that data to further narrow down his niche.

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