Save 95% Off My NEW Ultimate Black Friday SUPER Bundle!!


2 Of My Flagship Courses PLUS 10 Additional Trainings You Must Have from 2023!


BRAND NEW: Access This Brand NEW Training Bundle Valued at OVER $4200

SAVE 95%: 2 Of My Flagship Courses PLUS 10 Additional Trainings For FAR less than the price of JUST one!!

LIMITED TIME ONLY: People say I'm absolutely CRAZY to virtually give away these trainings for this STEAL of a DEAL. But it's ONLY until Sunday Night. Then this MASSIVE SAVINGS is GONE. 

NEED PROOF OF RESULTS? Check out our student video testimonials toward the bottom of this page and let them tell you how well these strategies and tactics work.


My "Black Friday Super Bundle" Includes:




#1 My Flagship "START. An Online Business" Course


My flagship course on how to build profitable solopreneur online business from scratch.

From idea to website building, sales copy, online course construction and killer offer creation, to making your overall brand an irresistible magnet for your ideal customer.

Become a smart, adaptive solopreneur by following the failure-proof 6-step framework outlined in START.

VALUE $999 - FREE!

#2 My Flagship "Market Clarity Method" Course


My flagship course on idea and niche market validation.

Launch your business with total confidence that it will be profitable with this proven, data-driven 7-step framework. 

You'll completely remove the 'guesswork' about whether your niche' will be profitable AND help you to laser-focus on the part of your niche that us most profitable.

VALUE $399 - FREE!
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#3 The "Solopreneur Value Ladder" Training


The fastest path to profitability in your business is to create an easy, logical and emotionally satisfying value ladder that your audience will fall all over themselves to climb.

This training will help you to build a product/service suite that will seamlessly increase both

1) Trust in you as an expert/creator and

2) The ease in which people will buy from you AND then

3) Offer social proof of the amazing results you provide.

VALUE $299 - FREE!

#4 The "Ultimate Content Creation & Automation" Blueprint


Content can one of the central pillars and lead generators for almost every online business.

In this training you'll learn how to organize, capture, create, publish, automate and repurpose one of your business's most valuable long-term assets.

We'll answer the questions:

  • What makes great content?
  • What should my content buckets be?
  • Which content strategies are working well right now?
  • Which platform(s) should I use?
  • What are the best practices for repurposing and recycling my content?
  • How do I know if/when I'm giving too much away for free?
  • And MUCH more!
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VALUE $299 - FREE!
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#5 How To Read Your Audience's Mind Using Deep Dive Surveys (DDS)


We hear it all the time: "you really need to understand your target market!".

And isn't is frustrating that no one ever actually shows us 'how to'.

Climbing inside your audience's brain and reading their mind using Deep Dive Surveys will help you to:

  • Deeply understand who your market is
  • Capture the language they use to describe their problems
  • Accurately reflect their desires in your content, lead magnets, offers and products
  • Reassure your tribe that you understand them better than anyone else
  • Turn your audience into ravenously loyal and lifelong fans

With this DDS mindset embedded into every audience interaction, you'll be equipped to never again have to 'guess' what your audience really wants.

All because you'll know how to ask them!

VALUE $299 - FREE!

#6 The Ultimate Quiz Funnel Workshop


The biggest problem for ALL businesses? We need more leads!

In this workshop, you'll discover the magic of 'Attraction By Absence' where we use a simple quiz to:

  • Attract Your Ideal Customer
  • Diagnose Their Pain/Problem
  • Prescribe The Correct Solution

Using this hyper-effective lead magnet (quiz funnel) that, unlike traditional lead magnets:

  • Initiates a real conversation
  • Demonstrates your credibility
  • Shows your empathy
  • Displays your subject matter expertise
  • Establishes a deep trust based on your unique insights.

The simple truth is that there's no 'top of funnel' lead magnet that performs better than a simple quiz!

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VALUE $299 - FREE!
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#7 The Rapid Course Creation Framework


What if you could completely remove the guesswork from your product creation process?

What if there was a framework that allowed your audience to virtually build your course for you!

Well there is and we call it our Rapid Course Creation Framework!

In this training I'll show you exactly how to take what you already know about your core audience and build a course that's completely irresistible to them.

And the best part is that you're letting them do most of the the work FOR you!

You'll discover:

  • The secrets learned in selling over $100k in online courses...
  • What to do BEFORE and AFTER your training to create massive success and maximize your unit sales...
  • Exactly how to structure your course...
  • A 3-part teaching method that your students will love and will get them REAL results!
VALUE $299 - FREE!

#8 Email Marketing That Excites Action


I'm giving you the exact formula you need to create an irresistible 4-day email sequence.

Starting with your offer, we'll walk through a specific email sequence that you can use over and over to generate more and faster revenue in your business.

  • Discover the step-by-step process to create a special Rapid Revenue bundle offer that is compelling, exiting and irresistible...
  • You'll get my exact 4-Day Rapid Revenue email template, so you can creates high demand and a frenzy of sales...
  • This training will help you to practice the process, whether you're just getting started or already an email marketing pro...
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VALUE $199 - FREE!
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#9 The Website Optimization Roadmap


This training helps to clear up some of the misconceptions about your website's purpose and what are the best practices in the industry RIGHT NOW.

In this training, you'll discover:

  • The most irresistible and convertible website layout...
  • The exact elements you want to include...
  • All the elements you specifically want to exclude...
  • The surprising (and super simple) secret the 'big boys' are using to increase both traffic and lead conversions on their websites...

#10 The $5k Per Month 'Fast Track'


In order to get to that $5k per month ($60k/yr) level of sales in your business, I'm going to walk you through the step-by-step process to create the infrastructure and activities you need to get there ASAP!

In this training, you'll discover how to do this with:

  • A coaching/consulting business...
  • An freelance/agency type model...
  • A more 'passive' digital products model...
  • Or a hybrid of all 3...

You'll learn:

  • How to know with confidence that people will want to buy from you...
  • How to structure your offers to make faster and more regular sales...
  • How to save yourself from making expensive mistakes and remove all the guesswork...
  • Some realistic timelines based on how much time you can spend in your business (especially if you're side-hustling)...
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VALUE $199 - FREE!
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#11 Create Irresistible Offers Using The 'Value Equation'


The key to making TONS of sales is all about how irresistible your offers are.

And your offers are only as irresistible as the perceived value they bring to your audience.

In this training, you'll discover how to:

  • Understand what 'value' is from your audience's perspective...
  • How to articulate that in a way that makes them gravitate and salivate...
VALUE $199 - FREE!

#12 My Easy Content Repurposing & Recycling System


In this training I'll show you exactly how I take one singular piece of content and repurpose/recycle it over 15 times for many different platforms (blog, newsletter, social media, images, video, shorts, etc.).

The name of the game with content is to repurpose, repurpose and repurpose some more.

Use as much or as little of this time-and-energy-saving hack to get the most mileage out of your content and the most exposure for your audience

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This is the 'container' for all of the bonus trainings listed above. I update and add to this vault regularly, so keep your eyes peeled as this little pool of bonus material increases over time!

VALUE $499 - FREE!

Kajabi 30-Day Free Trial

Want to NOT waste a whole bunch of time figuring out which tools you need to use in your online business.

Kajabi has been my go-to 'all in one' solution for my online business for over 5 years. Kajabi allows you to host:

  • Your website.
  • Your email provider.
  • Your lead magnets (quizzes, surveys, downloadable pdfs, workbooks, workshops, etc.)
  • Sales pages, landing pages and ways to make offers and upsells.
  •  Payment processing
  • Your digital courses and memberships.
  • Your webinars and workshops.
  • Your membership communities
  • And SO MUCH more!!
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VALUE $499 - FREE!

How To Get Instant Access

This unique bundle includes some of the BEST paid trainings we've done in 2023, from getting started, to generating content, generating leads with quiz funnels, mouthwatering email marketing, rapid digital product creation and more - everything you need to succeed in 2023 and beyond.

Because this is a ridiculous steal of a deal there are NO refunds with this. If you don't know me well enough to know the quality of my training and just how far I go to provide value, then this deal is not for you.

You'll get access to both flagship courses PLUS all 10 additional trainings valued at over $4200 for an absolutely insane 95% off.

Here's How To Get Access


YES! I'm ready to GET INSTANT ACCESS to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and put this "Black Friday Super Bundle" training to work in my business... with a SAVINGS of over 95% when I take action today!




2 Flagship Courses and 10 Additional Must-Have Trainings From 2023


JUST $199


But Don't Take My Word For It!

Here Are Some Video Testimonials From Students Who
Have Benefited From These Exact Trainings!


Prashha Dutra

Prashha launched her first quiz funnel and within 30 days... got 500 new email subscribers AND landed a new $5k client!

Prashhas's story is an amazing testimonial of the power of quiz funnels as a top of funnel, trust-building lead magnet.


Adriana Tica

Adriana, a 15-year marketing veteran outlines the reasons she uses the "Market Clarity Method" validation process for her existing business ideas and why she believes ALL new and pivoting solopreneurs must use this framework to avoid picking an unprofitable, "dud" market..

Brooks Conkle

Brooks used our 6-week Solopreneur Masterclass to take a look at his already successful business.

He took away LOTS of nuggets around how we structured the program and the user-friendliness of all the resources that he will use to develop and deploy his own future programs.


Xenia Smith

Xenia participated in our Market Clarity Intensive and 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and has been able to more accurately identify her ideal customer profile using the 1:1:1:1 model.

  • 1: Validated Market
  • 1: Lead Magnet
  • 1: Lead Converter
  • 1: Product 

Currently she's using what she's learned to build an already profitable cohort based course that will become her flagship digital course.

Lee Densmer

Lee used the material in the Market Clarity Method to help her validate her buyers needs, adjust and price her offers.

She was able to use the framework to really home in on the ideal sweet spot in her market and avoid the unprofitable sub-niches.

As a result she's turned her 4-month old business into a full-time income! 



Jared Williams

Jared characterizes the Market Clarity Method as the 'filtration system' that saved him time and money in selecting, vetting and producing products for his niche market in the AI space.

He also participated in our 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and is well on his way to building his 6-figure online business. 

Lane Sebring

Watch Lane outline two specific elements (The DDS and Quiz Funnels) of the training that are helping him continue to grow and scale his already 6-figure online business.

Lane is a great example of really digging into the material, trusting the process and reaping massive results in his business.


Anatoly Zaslaver

Anatoly participated in our Market Clarity Intensive and 6-week Solopreneurship masterclass and has used the material to identify a profitable market serving the attorney space with a newsletter product. 

Here he talks about the importance of market validation and how that's made identifying the most profitable products and activities he needs to employ.

Jess Probasco

Jess is in the process of redesigning and relaunching his financial coaching business as an online business platform. Listen to his use of the "Market Clarity Method" and the "1:1:1:1 Solopreneur Value Ladder" strategy. One key takeaway for Jess has been: "Your message should come from your market, not from your mind."


Austin Brown

Austin literally had no idea where to begin when he enrolled in our START. program. He's since been able to validate his niche, build his website, start making content and is now working through the monetization process.

He also enrolled in our 6-week Solopreneur Masterclass and is implementing Deep Dive Surveys and Quiz funnels to increase traffic and conversions to his offer.

Dr. Tracy McAlvanah

Tracy is in the process of relaunching her chiropractic/functional medicine practice while working a full-time job for a nutritional supplements company. This program helped her to go back and really home in on her ideal market using the "Market Clarity Method".


Ryan McFadden

Ryan is in the process of exploring his profitable coaching market and pivoting from financial coaching into more personal development and leadership coaching. Overall, the most helpful parts of the program for Ryan have been the "Market Clarity Method", as well as the material on email marketing, pricing, Deep Dive Surveys and Quiz Funnels.

Greg Lees

Greg enrolled in the Market Clarity Method to help him home in on a solidly profitable market. One thing to note is that this process helped him steer clear of an unprofitable market and instead set his sights on a market that is proving to be much more lucrative for him.


Matt Thomas

Matt used the Market Clarity Method to help him identify and really dig into his market.

He used the material to identify his entrepreneurial type and use that data to further narrow down his niche.