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$5k Per Month Online Fast Track

Earning money online does not have to be mysterious or complicated. If you can just start by offering a service or coaching/consulting and use those interactions to start building digital products (later on), you can actually get to $5k per month in income in a relatively short period of time.

$5k/mo Online Business Income Fast Track $60k per year

  1. Service Based Business

  2. Coaching/Consulting

  3. Digital Products

  4. My Journey (The Combination)


1. Service Based Business - Trading hours for currency.

Examples: Web Design, Graphic Design, Email Marketing, Virtual Assistant, Video Production, Accountant, Bookkeeping, Social Media Specialist, etc.

The Math:

$5,000/mo ➗ $50/hr = 100 hours/mo (25 hrs/wk = 5 hrs/day 5 days/wk)
$5,000/mo ➗ $75/hr = 67 hours/mo (17 hrs/wk = 3.5 hrs/day 5 days/wk)


2. Coaching/Consulting - Trading hours for currency.

Examples: Financial Coaching, Life Coaching, Health And Wellness Coaching, Sales Coaching, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Technical Consulting.

The Math:

$5,000/mo ➗ $150/hr = 33 hours/mo (8 hrs/wk = 1.6 hrs/day 5 days/wk) $5,000/mo ➗ $250/hr = 20 hours/mo (5hrs/wk = 1 hr/day 5 days/wk)


3. Digital Products - Completely scalable. Far less time trading.

Examples: Online Courses, Downloadable PDF Guides, Apps, Stock Photography, Graphics, NFTs

The Math: (Assuming you're selling a course every other day.)

$5,000/mo ➗ 30 days = @$167/day

$97 Course x 6 days/wk = $582/wk $147 Course x 5 days/wk = $735/wk

$582 (4) + 735 (4) = $5268/mo


My Online Business Journey

  1. Started with financial coaching.

  2. Added blogging (learned graphic design, web design, email mktg).

  3. Added Web/Graphic/Email/Video Contracting.

  4. Built digital products (printables, courses, memberships)

  5. Started subtracting to focus more on the passive income vehicles.


6 Steps To Starting An Online Business

  1. Finding Your Idea/Niche
  2. Creating Content
  3. What's A Lead Magnet?
  4. Building I High-Converting Website
  5. Why Email Is Your Friend
  6. Your First Digital Product(s)

Hard, didactic teaching. No fluff. You'll have EVERYTHING you need to know to get started. AND you'll be able to see if this is something you want to do.


50% Complete

Two Step

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