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Online Business For Beginners (Start Here)

If you have the desire to start a business, the first question to ask is:

1. Who do I want to serve?

One of the best ways to figure figure that out is to kind of do some brainstorming:
  • What am I good at or what do people tell me that I’m good at?

  • What do I like to do?

  • What am I naturally interested in, maybe what do I have experience teaching already?


The next question should be:

2. Is this a profitable market?

There are three quick tests that will answer this:
  1. Determine the size of the market.

  2. How much competition that market has.

  3. And then a third test that consists of five different attributes that your market needs to have in order for it to be profitable.

THEN, after you've figured out the "who" and validated your market, the next thing you want to do is figure out how are you gonna serve and them. In other words, what’s my business model gonna be?
  1. Do I want to sell digital products physical products?

  2. Do I want to be a coach or consultant?

  3. Do I want to have some sort of agency model?

  4. OR do I want to have a mix of all of these?


To make this process as easy and stress-free as possible, you can start by taking this FREE 60 second quiz:

And I'd love to hear what your results are...

I was actually a "DPE" the first time I took it and then a "TCE" the second time...


50% Complete

Two Step

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