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How About An "Easy Button" For The Tech?

I'm going to shoot you straight because I want you to be successful in your process of starting your online business and NOT waste a whole bunch of time figuring out which tools you need to use in your online business.

These next few steps can be completely overwhelming for a lot of people, especially when you figure out you're going to need:

  • A website.
  • An email provider.
  • A place to host your lead magnets (quizzes, surveys, downloadable pdfs, workbooks, e-books, workshops, etc.)
  • Sales pages, landing pages and ways to make offers and upsells.
  • A payment processor and integration.
  • A place to build, sell and host your digital courses and memberships.
  • A place to host and promote webinars.

And the thing is, if you purchase each of these elements separately (like I did), you'll end up spending multiple hundreds of dollars+ AND have the tech headaches that go along with it.

Believe me, you don't want that.

And all that to say, if I had to do it all over again, I would have skipped all the headaches I created for myself starting out and just jumped into Kajabi at the ver beginning.

I would have:

  • Saved money.
  • Saved time.
  • Saved the heartache of having to relocate hundreds of pieces of content to another platform.
  • Gotten my courses and membership up and running in a fraction of the time.

SO, if you want to just focus on the next steps of this process without a ton of overwhelm and you want to skip all the tech and platform headaches, I want to help make it as easy and frictionless as possible for you...

Try Kajabi FREE for 30 days!

Jump into Kajabi and get a 30-day FREE Trial with my link here.

Kajabi is an all in one platform that allows you to do all the things I mentioned in the bullet points above in ONE SINGLE PLATFORM.

So, there's no need to get lost in the details of picking and choosing which disparate platform you need for your website and then LATER figure out where you're going to host your course. Or, figuring out which email provider you want to use AND then figuring out a payment processor to integrate to all the moving parts.

Sound like a headache? It is!!

BUT, the good news is Kajabi removes ALL of that headache giving you EVERYTHING you need to start, grow and scale your online business from seed to infinity...

  • A website.
  • An email provider.
  • A place to host your lead magnets (quizzes, surveys, downloadable pdfs, workbooks, workshops, etc.)
  • Sales pages, landing pages and ways to make offers and upsells.
  • A payment processor and integration.
  • A place to build, sell and host your digital courses and memberships.
  • A place to host and promote webinars.

AND, in addition to your 30-Day FREE trial, you'll get 4 exclusive bonuses when you use my link!

As my "thank you" for using my link in signing up for you 30-Day Free trial, I have 4 additional bonuses to help you rocket out of the gate with Kajabi.

Normally Kajabi gives you a 14 day free trial, but if you use my link you can more than double that trial and get 30 days to try out Kajabi for free!

When you use my link, part of your monthly payment will support my platform, but at absolutely no additional cost to you. I can't wait to see how this amazing tool helps you revolutionize (and increase profits for) your online business!


50-Minute Zoom Call

I'll jump on a FREE 50-minute call with you to help you get started on Kajabi. We can talk about Kajabi, your online business and how to get the best possible start!


Online Business Blueprint

Whether you're just getting started in online business or you're scaling an existing one, this blueprint will help you map out the most optimized way forward.


Email Launch Template

These are the exact emails and strategy I used to launch my first course which made over $30k in its firs 4 launches with a tiny email list. This template will help you launch your first course on Kajabi!


Done For You Templates

3 "done for you" and high-converting Kajabi landing page templates that will help you set up landing pages for teaching, for capturing emails and for selling your courses!


Looking forward to helping you get started!

If you have any questions or need anything, please email me at: [email protected].

I can't wait to connect with you during our 50-minute call, to hear more about your online business and to help you get started solidly with Kajabi! - Brad

Let's take your online business idea to the next level!

Try Kajabi FREE for 30 days!


50% Complete

Two Step

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