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2 Best Side Hustles To Help You QUIT YOUR JOB! | Brad Long

I remember one particular Monday morning, our regional sales manager called an end of quarter “emergency” sales meeting because our division was behind quota and they were trying to pull out all the stops to bring in some more revenue.

This had actually become pretty standard behavior and (among many other forms of micromanagement) had already pushed me past the point of extreme burnout.

Now, keep in mind I had already made my quota number, so you’d think that I’d be excluded from these kinds of meetings, but no…

By that point I hated my job so much, I had so much underlying and incessant anxiety that I was ready to hit “eject” on my own little escape pod (Star Wars b-roll) at any moment.

The good news is that I had already started these two side hustles that I’m going to talk about today that allowed me to jettison my last corporate job just a few months later.

So, you may be saying, “I want to quit my job, but I don’t know what to do”. So, I want to offer you these two side-hustle ideas today that can help you get started in that direction.

AND, two great things about what I’m going to share today.

  1. Can be done while you’re still in your day job.
  2. Can ultimately allow you to leave your day job by replacing your income.

Let’s get into it…


1. Service Based Business - 

This is the quickest path to income. Start by asking yourself what skills do you already have that you can monetize?

  1. Coaching/Consulting
  2. Virtual Assistant
  3. Web Design
  4. Graphic Design
  5. Writing
  6. Video/Podcast Editing

I didn’t know ANY of these before I started my blog back in 2018. BUT what’s cool is that I was able to learn and start monetizing them WHILE in my corporate job. Last last year, for example, I was able to earn an extra $24k with a skillset I didn’t even have before I started my financial coaching business. Pretty cool, right?

So I would say just get started and you’ll start to accumulate the skills you need as you go and will be able to monetize them in pretty short order in most cases.

You can charge much more than you can with small ticket digital products or with affiliate sales. 


2. Start A YouTube Channel/Becoming An Influencer 

I started my YouTube channel in May of 2019 AFTER I’d actually been coaching and had started my blog. As I got into blogging and really started to understand content marketing, I forced myself to get over my camera shyness and start publishing YouTube videos. 

It has paid off handsomely, I assure you.

  • Again checks the two buckets:
    1. Can be done while you’re still in your day job.
    2. Can ultimately allow you to leave your day job by replacing your income.
  • This will take more time, but if you’re disciplined about it and stick with it for the long haul, it will pay off.
    1. Affiliate marketing - where you recommend products you use or that your review for a percentage of the sale.
    2. Ad revenue -
  • Great to start as a side hustle.
    1. Can take your time. No pressure.
    2. You can experiment with topics, content formats and things you like to talk about, things people want to hear more about (audience response).
    3. You can see if you like it or not.
    4. This one will typically take longer than number one, unless you just happen to “hit” the algorithm just right. Even then, that doesn’t guarantee longevity.

I think this approach of starting either of these as a side hustle while you still have a corporate/day job rather than quitting your job with no financial net and having all the pressure of 1) learning an entirely new skill set with 2) the economic pressure of paying the bills.

Now, what you’re actually doing if you embark on either one of these journeys is that you’ve REALLY started the foundation of an online business, just like I did about 4 years ago without really knowing it.

I started a local financial coaching practice to start helping people with basic skills like budgeting, debt elimination and investing. Then, after about a year and a half of hustling and trying to get leads by going to chamber meetings and networking events, I slowly started to see this wasn’t the way I wanted to move forward.

I was able to do both of these things while my corporate job was covering the bills and helping my wife and me work toward greater financial independence. 

All that to say, I’m a HUGE fan of this approach because it's 1) sustainable and 2) basically zero risk.

Another thing to keep in mind is that, with the financial stability of a current job, you may have the extra resources/capital to invest in some courses and/or 1:1 coaching to shorten your learning curve and get you to profitability even faster.

All so you can eject your crappy corporate job like I was able to. It’s awesome and totally worth your efforts!

SO, if you really want to get out of your job, I would highly recommend starting a side hustle. Again, because: 

  1. Can be done while you’re still in your day job.
  2. Can ultimately allow you to leave your day job by replacing your income.

So with that in mind, I want to offer you my FREE “Start An Online Business” Quick Start Guide, link is in the video description below and is a simple 6 steps to help you get up and running so that you can have a platform in place to 1) start a service based business and/or 2) start a platform/YouTube channel and grow your skill set AND your business as a side-hustle that will help you escape your job, just like I was able to a little over 2 years ago.

More than anything, I just want to leave you with the TRUTH that, IF you hate your corporate job, that there IS absolutely a way out. All you need is a strategy, consistency and a healthy bit of community and you CAN create a solid side hustle that will allow you to leave your crappy corporate job and pursue something your ACTUALLY enjoy AND makes a difference in people’s lives.

So, go download my free guide and let’s get you started.

AND if you haven’t seen my quick video on how to start an online business, just click here. Just click on this video and I’ll see you over there. :)


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